Celebrating Life, Family, and Liberty!

A record number of Cliffs residents ventured outdoors to dine, some with family, outside in the sunshine at the Cliffs outdoor dining patio in the interior garden area.

The day was a testimony to the renewal of life as we knew it in our pre-pandemic era!

Cliffs dining staff, along with dining manager, Lee Whitaker, grilled up a special menu that was enjoyed by all.

Prior to their barbecue, Major Bill Horn lead a moving Memorial Service to honor the men and women who defended our country, often at great peril and sacrifice.  Major Horn shared moving stories of his dangerous missions as a special ops helicopter pilot taking soldiers behind enemy lines to save many. 

So many Cliffs residents cheered all those who made their holiday so special and happy.

We hope this is the start of a very enjoyable summer for residents and for the community.

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