Major Horn got his first taste of being in an airplane when he was 10 years old. That experience set in motion the course his life would eventually take. After graduating from college in Washington State, Bill enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, obtaining his wings in 1056. Married his high school sweetheart and went on to be awarded The Distinguished Flying Cross for heroism in classified missions in East Asia.

Bill’s son, Rev. Greg Horn, Minister of The Presbyterian Church of Upper Montclair, encouraged his father and mother to move east after Bill’s retirement and their many adventures traveling the United States in their RV.
In the Spring of 2010, The Horns came to visit the Cliffs and decided to make it their new home to be close to their son and grandchildren. The Horns quickly made friends and integrated themselves into the community, however, sadly, Betty Horn grew increasingly ill and subsequently passed away.
Bill agreed to take on the leadership of the Resident Council and become their President, a role he kept for over a decade!!! He still supports the board as President Emeritus.
In addition, Bill designed and helped construct a Cliffs vegetable and flower garden, which he tended over many years, producing wonderful herbs and vegetables for the Cliffs chefs and flowers for the communal areas.
You can also see Bill’s handiwork in the Cliffs Great Room which is home to over a dozen beautifully crafted ship models, representing significant examples of history’s most famous sailing vessels.
Bill Horn has become a pillar of comfort and advice over the years; and draws a consistently large crowd of residents who depend on his strong voice several times a week as the Cliffs Bingo caller!
Bill Horn is a beloved member of the Cliffs community, and we are so grateful for him and the heart and soul he injects into the life of our community.