Visitation Rules

Revised 12/01/2021

How do I schedule a visit?

To schedule a visit with a Cliffs resident, call (973) 669-0011 ext. 1300 between 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at least 2 hours ahead of desired time of visitation.

What is the time for visitation?

Visitation hours are from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Last visitation appointment for the day will be scheduled at 6 p.m. Please arrive 15 minutes prior your scheduled visitation for screening. Please arrive on time; visitation will not be extended due to lateness. Please note that we do not schedule casual indoor/outdoor visitation appointments during meal times.

Where do I go for the visit?

After screening / check-in, you must go to your designated visitation area. If the resident resides in a one-bedroom apartment, the visitation will take place in their respective apartments. If the resident resides in a studio or semi-private apartment, the visitation will take place in a designated indoor area, which will be cleaned and sanitized before and after the visitation.

How many people can visit?

Up to four (4) visitors may visit at a time. Children 2 years old and below can only be accommodated for outdoor visits.

How many visitations can be accommodated per day?

Up to two types of visitations can be accommodated per day, with one resident outing per day.

How long are visits?

Indoor and outdoor – 1 hour max; Essential Caregiver (EC), Compassionate Care (CC), and End-of-Life (EoL) – 2 hours max

Can all residents receive a visit?

All residents can receive visitation with the following consideration:

Can I visit if I live out of state?

The Cliffs now welcomes visitors from out-of-state.

What can I bring with me for my visit?

Gifts and other items/food for your loved one can be left at the Reception area to be sanitized to be delivered to the resident by a staff member.

Can visitors remove masks and have close contact with residents during visitations?

When BOTH visitor and resident are fully vaccinated:

  • While alone in the patient/resident’s room or the designated visitation room, residents and their visitor(s) may choose to have close contact (including touch) and to remove their facemasks.
  • While in the facility, visitors should wear facemasks, and physically distance from healthcare personnel and other patients/residents, and visitors that are not part of their group at all other times.
  • Residents and visitors may leave the resident’s apartment to walk around The Cliffs, but must keep facemasks on when leaving the apartment while maintaining social distancing from other residents, staff members, and other visitors that are not in your party.

Visitation when EITHER the resident or any of their visitors are NOT fully vaccinated:

  • While in the facility, visitors must wear N95 facemasks and physically distance from healthcare personnel and other residents, and visitors that are not part of their group at all other times.
  • While alone in the resident’s room or the designated visitation room, the safest approach is for everyone to maintain physical distancing and wear well-fitting facemasks to ensure the safety of the patient/resident and visitor(s).
  • Fully-vaccinated resident(s), may choose to have close contact (including touch) with their unvaccinated visitor(s), however, visitors AND resident(s) must wear well-fitting facemasks.
  • Residents and visitors may leave the resident’s apartment to walk around The Cliffs, and must keep facemasks on when leaving the apartment while maintaining social distancing from other residents, staff members, and other visitors that are not in your party.

How do I schedule a resident outing?

Procedure before leaving:

  • Residents or Family members who would like to go out on any desired day must notify the Receptionist at least 6 hours before the desired outing. The receptionist will coordinate with the nursing department to ensure timely administration and/or preparation of medication before leaving the facility.
  • The family member transporting the resident is required to go through screening.
  • Following screening, the family member must sign a Resident-Family Certification Form at the Front Desk.

Procedure upon return:

  • Family members must call one hour before the resident returns to the facility to notify the receptionist.
  • Upon return, the family member transporting the resident and the resident must go to the screening area and follow the proper steps for screening.
  • After screening, the nurse-on-duty will administer the risk-exposure assessment in the screening area to determine if the resident will be required to quarantine.
  • If the resident will be required to quarantined, family members cannot accompany the resident back to their apartment.
  • If the resident does not need to be quarantined, family members may quickly accompany the resident back to their apartment. 

What time should the resident return to the facility?

Residents are encouraged to return to the facility before 7:30pm.

How often can a resident go on a casual outing?

A resident may go on a casual outing at any given time. Please follow our resident outing procedure for notification.

Can a resident go on out-of-facility “vacations”?

Residents may go on an out-of-facility “vacation.” Family members must notify the receptionist of the desired vacation plan at least 24 hours ahead to allow time to prepare medications and other necessary items for the trip.

Where can I take the resident for an outing?

The guidelines for casual outing do not prohibit any specific location or destination. However, outings are expected to be with a small number of family members and in a safe environment in New Jersey. Proper health protocols and measures must always be practiced while the resident is out with the family such as:

  • Avoiding crowded places
  • Avoiding exposure to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases
  • Frequent handwashing, maintaining social distance and proper wearing of masks
  • Avoid mingling with non-vaccinated individuals, people who may have travelled internationally within 14 days, and people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 cases.

Can I bring my pet?

Pets can come visit residents for outdoor visitations only. Visitors must disclose that they are bringing pets when making a visitation appointment. Pet owners are requested to take photos of their pets’ most recent vaccinations, especially the rabies shot and should be ready to present these photos to the receptionist when requested. Pets must be kept on leash at all times.

What are the safety precautions?

Visitors must wear well-fitting masks (N95 mask or double cloth/surgical masks) covering their nose and mouth when entering the facility regardless of vaccination status.

  • All visitors must go through the screening process prior to entering the Lobby. If your temperature is above 100 degrees, visitation will be denied.
  • Following screening, visitors must check-in with the receptionist to sign an Informed Consent Form before proceeding to the visitation area.
  • Proper PPE will be required for visitors doing EC, CC, and EoL visit due to the prolonged direct contact with the resident.
  • The 3 W’s should be followed when around staff members, other residents, and visitors: WASH hands, WEAR masks, and WATCH your distance.
  • Visitors and residents may leave their designated visitation areas (with facemasks on) and walk around the Cliffs grounds, but must go back to their designated visitation areas after the walk. Common areas such as the Great Room, Country Kitchen, and the Lobby are restricted during visitation.
  • For everyone’s safety, sharing of food and beverages during visits is not permitted at this time.
  • Public restrooms in the building are not available to visitors at this time. Restrooms in the Chapel area are available for urgent needs.
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