WEEKLY UPDATE (October 23, 2023)
We are happy to announce that our community is COVID-free since Friday, October 20th. Our communal dining was resumed for both sides of our community, all activities are being implemented as scheduled. As per one of the directives from the Department of Health, wearing a well-fitted masks is still enforced until the outbreak is lifted on or before November 12th, provided that there is no new infection until then, between our staff and residents.
Residents’ families and friends are allowed to visit, but refrain from coming if experiencing one or two flu-like symptoms.
WEEKLY UPDATE (October 3, 2023)
Since our last update to you yesterday, 6 more residents in our Haven have tested positive for COVID. Thus, it is incumbent on all visitors to kindly wear a mask when visiting the Cliffs, until we see this outbreak extinguished. Masks are available at the front desk, however, feel free to use your own.
We are determined to prevent exposure to our AL community and trust your willingness to support our efforts.
As of today, a dedicated staff will be assigned to the Haven to avoid cross-contamination. Additional staffing has been scheduled to eliminate the need for AL staff to help Haven residents at mealtimes.
Families whose loved ones tested positive have been notified. Thus, if you have not received a call from us, you can assume your resident did not test positive.
COVID-positive residents are now quarantined in their rooms until testing negative. Supportive staff will be attending to them and helping with their meals.
We are confident this recent outbreak will be contained successfully and quickly resolved.
Thank you for your continued understanding and support.
Be on the lookout for fresh updates from us as the need arises to keep you informed.
WEEKLY UPDATE (March 18, 2022)
The Cliffs now welcomes family members and friends to visit loved ones in the facility at all times. Effective immediately, The Cliffs no longer requires advance scheduling of visitations and no longer limit the frequency and length of visits within The Cliffs visitation hours of 8am-7pm, daily. However, we must still be vigilant and continue to practice infection control procedures:
- Visitors must go through screening and maintain proper masking and physical distancing and must remain in residents’ apartments when inside the facility.
- Residents and visitors may exit the building for a walk on our grounds during visitations. Residents and visitors are welcome to use the outdoor areas as long as physical distancing is maintained. Masks must be worn outdoors.
- Parties or large gatherings are still prohibited.
- The Cliffs reserves the right to relocate visitations to adhere to physical distancing.
- The Cliffs reserves the right to resume scheduling appointments when a high volume of visitors is expected such as special holidays. You will be notified accordingly if the need to resume scheduling appointments arise.
In terms of Resident Non-Medical Outings, residents may go on casual outings without having to isolate/quarantine upon return. Residents will be closely monitored for any symptoms for several days upon return. We ask residents and family members to maintain proper masking, social distancing, handwashing and avoid crowded places if possible.
The Cliffs at Eagle Rock is a long-term health care facility and adheres to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services guidelines. The sets of regulations The Cliffs based its visitation policy on are linked below:
CMS Nursing Home FAQs and Executive Directive No. 21-012
WEEKLY UPDATE (February 10, 2022)
We are excited to announce that due to the steady decline of infection rate in our area, The Cliffs cluster communal dining is set to resume on Monday, February 14, 2022. To celebrate the resumption of cluster communal dining, which also falls on Valentine’s Day, the Food Services Department is preparing a special lunch for the residents. All residents, staff, will be wearing red for the celebration. Visitors planning to visit on Monday, February 14 are encouraged to wear red as well.
WEEKLY UPDATE (February 3, 2022)
The Cliffs has been thriving after the outbreak we experienced from the Omicron variant. We are happy to share with you that the local Department of Health interviewed our Director of Nursing regarding the COVID cases in the facility. She commended the proactive precautions that we put in place as soon as COVID hit our facility. In a span of two weeks, we were able to contain the virus from spreading. Special thanks to you, family members and friends, for supporting and actively heeding the infection control protocols established and to our hardworking and dedicated staff.
Over the past week, we deployed the new and improved nurse call bell system at The Cliffs. New call bell pull cords were installed in apartment bathrooms and indoor common areas around the building. The residents also received new pendants that they can use to call for help. Unlike our previous system that was exclusive to individual apartments, the residents can now use their pendants anywhere in the facility. Pressing their pendants will activate the receivers in the particular area where they are located and will inform the nursing staff of the location of the resident. Additionally, there are receivers outside of the main building reaching outdoor areas such as the west side gazebo, back parking lot, Cliffs Chapel, and outdoor paths in case an emergency occurs when a resident is outdoors. A group demonstration was made to the residents during the resident council meeting as well as individual demonstration when their pendants were given to them.
We are continuing to monitor proper wearing of masks in the facility as it is the most effective tool of infection control within the facility with regards to the Omicron variant. All staff are required to don fitted N95/KN95 masks with surgical masks on top when rendering direct care to residents. We also require all visitors to wear KN95 masks during visitation. Residents are always reminded to maintain social distancing and to wear masks especially during group activities.
As we observe the Omicron’s infection rate decrease at a fast pace, we are hoping to go back to cluster dining and group activities as soon as our area’s infection rate/CALI score goes back to the “low” numbers.
WEEKLY UPDATE (January 21, 2022)
We are happy to inform you that The Cliffs is currently COVID-free.
New Jersey is currently under a state of emergency as the surge of the variant Omicron is still an ongoing threat. In Essex County, specifically, the infection rate is significantly high. To keep COVID out of our facility, The Cliffs is electing certain precautions:
- Social distancing and proper wearing of masks during communal dining and group activities is still being maintained.
- Visitations are open to family members. Guidelines set forth to prevent infections must be closely followed by all visitors.
- Family members who insist on taking residents out to family gatherings may do so with the following contingencies:
- Residents who go out to family gatherings or non-medical trips (shopping, dining at restaurants, etc.) will be quarantined for at least two days upon return. The first two days after suspected exposure is critical. Unfortunately, a rapid test will not yield an accurate result only hours after exposure. Once a rapid test yields negative, they may join communal dining and group activities and will be monitored continuously.
- Residents and family members are recommended to reschedule doctor appointments that are not deemed medically necessary. If a resident has a pending doctor’s appointment, please contact our Director of Nursing, Socorro Bumanglag at 973-669-0011 ext. 1325 to assess if the doctor’s appointment is critical.
- Contact tracing and testing is ongoing. All staff members are required to wear N95/KN95 masks when in direct contact with residents.
WEEKLY UPDATE (January 11, 2022)
We are delighted to bring you good news this week!
Late last week, we conducted a facility-wide PCR testing. All staff members tested negative for COVID. PCR’s for non-isolated residents also came back negative. Yesterday, the residents in our COVID wing were re-tested; 8 out of 10 residents tested negative and will be transferred back to their original apartments beginning tomorrow, 1/12/2022 after their apartments are sanitized.
Communal dining and group activities with social distancing will resume at noon today, 1/11/2022. Residents will continue to be monitored for proper wearing of masks and distancing.
We thank you for curtailing visitation as we control the spread of infection in our facility. As of tomorrow, 1/12/2022, we welcome family members and friends back to our facility. We ask that you continue to wear proper fitting masks during the entire visitation.
We are grateful for your cooperation and support in helping us fight COVID in our facility.
WEEKLY UPDATE (January 6, 2022)
We cannot thank you enough for your cooperation with our request regarding curtailing visitation unless extremely necessary. Contact tracing in the facility has been very effective and efficient in controlling the spread of virus. As of the last e-mail on Jan 1, 2022, we have not had any additional residents test positive for COVID. We will continue testing the residents for the next couple of days. Any resident in the COVID wing who tests negative will immediately be moved back to their original apartment.
The COVID wing on the second floor has been established and staff members are scheduled to work exclusively in the COVID wing to minimize contamination. All residents in the COVID wing are stable and are provided with daily activity packets. A television is also placed in the common area and they are able to listen to music or watch movies. They also get to socialize with each other in the common area over coffee/tea when their mid-day snacks are delivered. Rev. Frederick and Rev. Dawn have been very diligent in making calls to provide spiritual support.
As for the rest of the Cliffs residents who are not in isolation, the activities department is providing activity packets containing stimulating puzzles and literature, and provide companionship during daily indoor/outdoor walks. Rev. Frederick and Rev. Dawn are also making phone calls and visits for spiritual support. Residents are also able to receive PT/OT in the rehab gym or in their apartments. Haven residents who are fall-risks are closely monitored in the Haven common area with social distancing during activities.
The Food Services department delivers all meals to the apartments and is providing mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks and hydration.
Again, we thank you for understanding and supporting our efforts in battling COVID in our facility.
WEEKLY UPDATE (January 01, 2022)
We have just received confirmation that 6 more residents have tested positive for COVID-19. As of today, we have 10 residents who are positive for COVID-19. All residents positive for COVID-19 are asymptomatic and stable.
Yesterday, 12/31/21, management has reinforced a COVID wing on the second floor to cohort our residents. The identified residents who tested positive for COVID-19 will be transferred to the COVID wing tomorrow, 1/2/22.
Per the Department of Health’s guidance, visitations will remain available to residents who are not in quarantine. However, we are requesting you to voluntarily curtail visitation unless the need for visitation is crucial. Additionally, the use of N95 masks will be required for all visitors upon entering the facility. Your cooperation will significantly help our effort of containing the spread of the infection in the facility.
Contact tracing and testing is continually being observed at the facility. Exclusive staffing will be established for the COVID wing to minimize contamination.
You will be updated accordingly.
WEEKLY UPDATE (December 29, 2021)
As of today, December 29, 2021, we have 4 residents that tested positive for COVID (1 confirmed via PCR test, 4 confirmed via rapid antigen tests-pending PCR results). Additionally, we have 6 staff members who tested positive for COVID (5 confirmed via PCR test, 1 confirmed via rapid antigen test-pending PCR results). We will continue contact tracing and testing for the next few days.
In prioritizing the health and safety of the residents, The Cliffs Management has decided to once again quarantine/isolate all residents and pause all group activities and communal dining until further notice to contain the spread of the virus.
As of today, visitations are still open to family members. However, visitors must be aware of the high risk of exposure to COVID since our facility is currently on an outbreak phase. Visitors must wear KN95 masks during the visit. For additional safety, we recommend purchasing and wearing N95 masks.
WEEKLY UPDATE (December 27, 2021)
We would like to inform you that all residents yielded negative results for their COVID tests. Our administrator, Leni de Guzman, discussed our facility’s current situation with the Department of Health, and per their recommendations, we may now resume communal dining, group activities and all visitations and resident medical appointments effective tomorrow, 12/28/2021.
However, we will still implement the following:
- All visitors are encouraged to undergo a COVID rapid antigen testing before visitation or get tested at least 2-3 days before scheduled visitation (ED 21-021).
- Visitors who test positive from the rapid antigen test will be denied entry. It is recommended to do a follow-up PCR test if a rapid antigen test yields a positive result. Visitors who test positive will not be permitted to visit until they present a negative COVID test.
- Masks must be worn during the visit even inside the residents’ apartments regardless of vaccination status. The Cliffs Management reserves the right to request the immediate exit of visitors if reported non-compliant by residents, staff, and other visitors.
- Vaccinated residents who choose to stay at family members’ homes for 24 hours or more will be considered as a readmission. The resident and family members will be interviewed regarding their exposure and the resident will be closely monitored daily up to seven (7) days. If symptoms appear, they may be quarantined.
- Unvaccinated residents who choose to stay at family members’ homes for more than 24 hours or more will be required to quarantine upon readmission.
WEEKLY UPDATE (December 22, 2021)
Due to recent reports of steady increasing rates of COVID infections due to the new variant, Omicron, we are now implementing the following effective immediately:
- All visitors are encouraged to undergo a COVID rapid antigen testing before visitation or get tested at least 2-3 days before scheduled visitation (ED 21-021).
- Visitors who test positive from the rapid antigen test will be denied entry. It is recommended to do a follow-up PCR test if a rapid antigen test yields a positive result. Visitors who test positive will not be permitted to visit until they present a negative COVID test.
- Masks must be worn during the visit even inside the residents’ apartments regardless of vaccination status. The Cliffs Management reserves the right to request the immediate exit of visitors if reported non-compliant by residents, staff, and other visitors.
- Residents who choose to stay at family members’ homes for more than 24 hours will be required to quarantine for at least 5-7 days regardless of vaccination status. If symptoms appear, quarantine will be extended until cleared by the Director of Nursing.
We understand that our infection control policy may be stricter than those of other facilities in the area. However, our Administrator, Leni, has contacted the Department of Health, and they encourage and support the extra precautions we set in place as we are proactively preventing the infection from entering the facility.
Although the Omicron variant is known to not cause serious symptoms, it is a highly contagious variant. If two or more residents test positive for COVID, the facility would have to go on lockdown again. We also understand the inconvenience that this new protocol will cause, but it is one step that we are taking to keep our facility open to family members while being able to protect our residents.
WEEKLY UPDATE (December 20, 2021)
We are delighted that this year, we can welcome you in our facility to spend precious time with your loved ones during the Holidays. However, with the new threat of a new variant Omicron, The Cliffs is being proactive and taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the variant and continue to uphold the main priority of The Cliffs, which is protecting the health and safety of our residents.
As of today, there are no directives from the local Department of Health. We are not revising our visitation and resident outing protocols, but we are asking family members and friends to voluntarily adhere to our recommendations to keep infection out of our facility. Below is the updated infection control protocol:
- Effective at noon on Monday, December 20, 2021, we are reverting to handwashing instead of sanitizing. The Private Dining Room will be reopened to host the screening area.
- Although up to 4 people are allowed to visit at a time, we request families to keep the number of visitors to a minimum if possible.
- Previously, family members were permitted to remove face coverings when inside the resident’s apartment. We now ask family members and friends to wear face coverings inside the resident’s apartments during the entirety of the visit regardless of vaccination status.
- Family members travelling from out-of-state are recommended to take extra precautions before visiting regardless of vaccination status. Visitors are not required to present a negative COVID test to visit but are recommended to get tested before entering our facility especially if visiting home from universities where a surge of infections is prevalent. Rapid antigen test kits are available at The Cliffs. You may request a test at your discretion.
- We would also like to remind families that the common areas are still off-limits for visitors. When coming to visit, please head straight to the resident’s apartment or the designated visitation area. If the resident is not in their apartment, please call the Front Desk to notify the receptionist so that the resident may be escorted to their apartment.
Resident Outings
- Residents who are going to spend holidays outside of The Cliffs will not be required to quarantine upon return. However, they will be monitored for the next 7 days and will be tested for COVID on the 3rd-7th day. Additionally, they will be monitored closely for proper wearing of masks in group settings. For meals, they will be dining in the Country Kitchen for the next 7 days upon their return.
- Staff members returning from vacation are tested for COVID upon returning to work with a follow-up test required on the 5th day regardless of travel and vaccination status.
- Staff members are consistently reminded of the risk of exposure to infection and are expected to take necessary precautions to avoid infection.
- Testing is available to all staff members if exposure is suspected regardless of vaccination status. At least one staff member is available to administer a COVID test during all shifts.
WEEKLY UPDATE (December17, 2021)
We are delighted that this year, we can welcome you in our facility to spend precious time with your loved ones during the Holidays. However, with the new threat of a new variant Omnicron, The Cliffs is being proactive and taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the variant and continue to uphold the main priority of The Cliffs, which is protecting the health and safety of our residents.
As of today, there are no directives from the local Department of Health. We are not revising our visitation and resident outing protocols, but we are asking family members and friends to voluntarily adhere to our recommendations to keep infection out of our facility. Below is the updated infection control protocol:
- Effective at noon on Monday, December 13, 2021, we are reverting to handwashing instead of sanitizing. The Private Dining Room will be reopened to host the screening area.
- Although up to 4 people are allowed to visit at a time, we request families to keep the number of visitors to a minimum if possible.
- Previously, family members were permitted to remove face coverings when inside the resident’s apartment. We now ask family members and friends to wear face coverings inside the resident’s apartments during the entirety of the visit regardless of vaccination status.
- Family members travelling from out-of-state are recommended to take extra precautions before visiting regardless of vaccination status. Visitors are not required to present a negative COVID test to visit but are recommended to get tested before entering our facility especially if visiting home from universities where a surge of infections is prevalent. Rapid antigen test kits are available at The Cliffs. You may request a test at your discretion.
- We would also like to remind families that the common areas are still off-limits for visitors. When coming to visit, please head straight to the resident’s apartment or the designated visitation area. If the resident is not in their apartment, please call the Front Desk to notify the receptionist so that the resident may be escorted to their apartment.
Resident Outings
- Residents who are going to spend holidays outside of The Cliffs will not be required to quarantine upon return. However, they will be monitored for the next 7 days and will be tested for COVID on the 3rd-7th day. Additionally, they will be monitored closely for proper wearing of masks in group settings. For meals, they will be dining in the Country Kitchen for the next 7 days upon their return.
- Staff members returning from vacation are tested for COVID upon returning to work with a follow-up test required on the 5th day regardless of travel and vaccination status.
- Staff members are consistently reminded of the risk of exposure to infection and are expected to take necessary precautions to avoid infection.
- Testing is available to all staff members if exposure is suspected regardless of vaccination status. At least one staff member is available to administer a COVID test during all shifts.
WEEKLY UPDATE (December 02, 2021)
As we look forward to the holiday season, we are pleased to announce updated protocols effective Friday, Dec. 3, 2021, for resident visitations, as well as expanding the number of guests per visit. The advance time for all visits is reduced to 2 hours ahead, allowing finally for same-day notification of your desire to visit.
In addition, for advance notification of over-night, off-site trips for residents, we would appreciate knowing of your plans 1 day in advance, rather than the current 36 hrs. This will still enable us to prepare any medications needed to go with the resident before leaving.
We appreciate too, the desire to have several family members visiting at the same time. Thus, we can now expand the number guests per visit to four visitors at the same time. (For larger celebrations such as birthdays, etc. Please call-in advance to discuss your request with administration).
Until further notice however, we still require all visitations for residents in one-bedrooms apts.to continue being held in the residents’ living quarters. For those in studios, or semi-private apts. the more remote common areas on the second floor on the east side of the building are offered for your convenience. We hope that in the near future broader use of common areas by family and residents, together, will be forthcoming. Please click on the link below to view our recently updated Visitation FAQ’s: Visitation FAQ (Rev. 12/01/2021)
While visitations have been liberalized, the new regulations require even more documentation when you enter the building. We are currently revising the documentation forms in order to be in compliance. Please understand that the thorough entry process is designed to protect our residents as we carefully move towards normalization while COVID still presents a threat.
We appreciate your trust, patience and cooperation as we do our part to conform to local and state safety requirements so we move forward safely, and in good health, into a New Year that is truly happy.
WEEKLY UPDATE (November 24, 2021)
Preparations for tomorrow’s festivities are in full effect! The residents and staff are looking forward to our special Thanksgiving Feast and the programs prepared for tomorrow. There is still time to make visitation/resident outing appointments. Please call the Front Desk at 973-669-0011 to make an appointment.
We would also like to thank those who have donated to the resident’s fundraiser, We Feed Woodbridge. If you wish to support the cause, the donation box is placed at the Front Desk until December 15, 2021.
WEEKLY UPDATE (November 18, 2021)
The Zoom Family Council Meeting held last week on 11/11/2021 was a success. Our guest speaker, Karen Tosco presented great and useful information about the different coverages and costs of Medicare. If you missed the Family Council Meeting and would like to inquire about what was discussed during the meeting, Karen Tosco can be reached via email at karen@bene-sense.com or via phone at 908-797-8569.
The Holidays are fast approaching and we are expecting heavier traffic in visitations. Please be reminded that the facility can only allow a certain number of people at a given hour. Kindly remind your friends and relatives who wish to visit to plan ahead and make appointments as soon as possible. If you wish to take a resident to a family gathering, please inform the Receptionist so arrangements can be made.
For Thanksgiving this year, the Food Services department led by Chef Lee Whitaker is preparing our Annual Thanksgiving Feast with a variety of scrumptious entrees and delicious desserts for both residents and staff. Residents will enjoy watching the televised Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in the morning and Rev. Frederick Boyle is going to do a special Thanksgiving program in the afternoon.
Each year, the Cliffs residents have traditionally taken on several charity projects to continue to make a difference in the world. Due to the restrictions of the pandemic, those efforts were put on hold. However, this Christmas the Resident Council voted to make an effort to help others enjoy a festive Christmas as well as offering a tribute to Spiritual Enrichment Director, Faith Longstreet who faithfully served the resident body for over 15 years, by supporting a charity she founded: We Feed Woodbridge at her passing the charity had grown to feeding 200 families holiday meals prepared by volunteers in a profession kitchen, boxed and delivered to each family. The Cliffs residents have chosen to raise funds to support their Christmas Dinner project. When you come by for a visit, we encourage you to contribute to their efforts by dropping a donation in the donation box on the receptionist desk.
WEEKLY UPDATE (November 10, 2021)
We would like to inform you that while we have been able to operate without limitations for the past few weeks as directed by the local Department of Health, our facility’s “outbreak” phase from having 2 staff test positive for COVID in October has technically concluded on Nov. 8, 2021. Our day-to-day operations continue as normal.
There is still time to sign-up for the Family Council Meeting tomorrow, 11/11/2021. Tomorrow’s guest speaker will be discussing all things Medicare – coverage, costs, and other concerns. Please call the Front Desk at 973-669-0011 to receive the Zoom link.
The Holidays are fast approaching and we are expecting heavier traffic in visitations. Please be reminded that the facility can only allow a certain number of people at a given hour. Kindly remind your friends and relatives who wish to visit to plan ahead and make appointments as soon as possible.
WEEKLY UPDATE (November 4, 2021)
As of this week, there are no reported COVID-positive cases in our facility. Our “outbreak” status is scheduled to officially end on November 8, 2021 (28 days from last positive case – 10/11/2021).
WEEKLY UPDATE (October 28, 2021)
Since resuming group activities, communal dining, outings, and visitations on 10/23/2021, life at The Cliffs has been quite busy again.
- Due to the brief pause of activities and outings, the Fall trip was rescheduled to Nov. 5, 2021. Our residents will be going on a scenic drive to Lake Mohawk. The residents will have the chance to get out of the bus to enjoy the fresh, crisp fall air and stroll on the boardwalk by the lake.
- Yesterday, our Catholic residents had the opportunity to partake in the Eucharist. Our residents communed in the Media Room led by Father Jim Ferry from our Lady of Lourdes in West Orange. He will be coming once a month to give communion.
- The Hair Salon reopened this week as well.
Tomorrow, Oct. 29, 2021, a Halloween Parade will take place in the Great Room. Cliffs staff will be substituting PPE with spooky costumes and will participate in the parade. Unfortunately, due to some restrictions, visitors won’t be able to join the group in the Great Room. We ask family members and friends to take this into consideration when scheduling visitation appointments.
The next Family Council Meeting will be on Nov. 11, 2021. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can click this link to RSVP: Family Council Meeting
WEEKLY UPDATE (October 14, 2021)
The result of our first round of COVID testing of Cliffs residents, due to a staff member testing positive, assures 100% negatives for COVID 19 among residents. This means residents do not need to quarantine in their apartments, and are permitted to utilize common areas, maintaining a distance of 6 ft. apart and wearing masks. In addition, they are free to go outside for walks, sit at activity tables and common areas. Regular activities are made available throughout the day, including painting, puzzles, movies, reading materials, documentaries etc.
During our first round of testing of Cliffs staff, however, a positive test for a second staff member was confirmed. Both previously vaccinated staff members did not have direct contact with any of the residents for more than 15 minutes, indicating minimal exposure. The two staff members will be able to return to the Cliffs after a quarantine of 14 days.
Per our local Department of Health guidelines, two (2) positive staff COVID tests, or one (1) resident’s positive test results is classified as an “outbreak”, which requires the cancellation of all visitations, communal dining, group activities and resident outings for a minimum of 14 days from confirmation.
During these 14 days, residents’ meals are being delivered to their respective apartments. Snacks and hydration are also provided to residents throughout the day as well, whether in their rooms, or during periods when they are out in common areas. Thus, we anticipate the resuming of visitations and activities, along with resident dining, as of Monday, October 25th.
Other updates:
- On Tuesday, 10.12.21, I.P.P.C. Pharmacy administered the Pfizer booster vaccine to residents and staff members as scheduled. Besides the expected side-effects of vaccination (slight headache, sore injection site, slight fever, tiredness, etc.), there are no significant adverse effects noted on residents and staff members. On Thursday, 10/14/2021, Walgreens Pharmacy will administer flu shots to residents and staff members as scheduled.
- Doctor’s appointments for residents will be followed as scheduled. Family members who choose to transport residents to and from the doctor’s offices MUST go through our screening process before picking up the resident.
WEEKLY UPDATE (October 11, 2021)
We regret to inform you that a staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. The facility is now under investigation. All staff and residents will undergo facility-wide testing for COVID-19 regardless of vaccination status.
As of Monday, 10/11/2021, all visitations, communal dining, group activities, and resident outings are canceled until further notice.
WEEKLY UPDATE (October 07, 2021)
Dear Cliffs Residents, Family Members and Friends, Please be informed that effective tomorrow, October 08, 2021, the Front Desk hours will be form 07:45AM to 07:45PM. Please call between those hours when scheduling visitation appointments. The lobby doors will also automatically lock at 07:45PM. If a resident expects to be out past 07:45PM for an outdoor trip, please let the receptionist know so you can be provided with a badge to enter the building upon return. |
WEEKLY UPDATE (September 30, 2021)
There is still time to submit vaccination consent forms for the Pfizer booster shot and the Annual Influenza vaccination. Form submission deadline is on Monday, October 4, 2021.
The forms are linked below and are also available at the Front Desk:
Accomplished forms can be emailed to reception@bhsnj.org or dropped off at the front desk.
Please be reminded that no visitation appointments will be scheduled on both clinic days: October 12 (Pfizer booster) and October 14 (Influenza vaccine). Please plan accordingly.
WEEKLY UPDATE (September 23, 2021)
On October 12, 2021, IPPC will be administering the Pfizer COVID vaccine booster to eligible residents and staff members.
- Residents and staff members who received their first and/or second Pfizer COVID vaccine doses in February 2021 are eligible to receive the booster shot.
- Residents/POA’s/health proxies are urged to fill out the IPPC consent form linked here: IPPC Vaccine Form
- The form can be e-mailed to reception@bhsnj.org or can be submitted to Orlando Egoc (Dir. of Nursing). Forms are also available at the Front Desk.
- Please submit completed forms on or before October 4, 2021.
- Family members who have secured the vaccination cards for residents MUST surrender the vaccination cards to Orlando Egoc (Dir. of Nursing) on or before October 4, 2021 to make sure that the booster shot is recorded on the same card.
- No visitations will be scheduled on October 12, 2021. Please plan accordingly.
WEEKLY UPDATE (September 14, 2021)
Dear Cliffs Residents, Family Members and Friends,
- As of September 7, 2021, employees of long term care facilities in New Jersey are mandated to be vaccinated OR must adhere to two COVID tests weekly. The Cliffs is following this protocol closely. Unvaccinated staff are constantly encouraged to be vaccinated and are adhering to proper usage of N95 masks when in the building.
- It should further be noted that there is a staff shortage across the country for healthcare workers and it has required us to be very proactive in retaining our best employees and filling in with temporary employees from outside agency staffing when necessary. Despite our best efforts there is an occasional staff shortage in employee in a department for one shift and all staff must pull together and cover in order to provide the best care. We are grateful for our staff in stepping up and always willing to go an extra mile when help is needed.
- We are pleased to inform you that The Cliffs did not experience major problems during the hurricane Ida. There was a minor leak in the roof with very minimal damage, which is currently being addressed. During the hurricane, there was a brief power outage in the facility, but the building generators kicked in and sustained power for the facility. No other issues were reported.
- The tentative date for the residents’ COVID-19 booster shot is October 12, 2021. More details will follow within the next few weeks.
- The flu vaccination for the residents is set for October 14, 2021. Residents/POA/Health proxy for residents who have not submitted the Flu Vaccination Form should do so as soon as possible. Please click on the link for the Flu Vaccine Form: Vaccination Form
- We are very gratified that new residents are placing their faith and trust in our care at The Cliffs and that we are near full occupancy again. All of our residents are busy with a full day of activities that include entertainment and outdoor trips.
WEEKLY UPDATE (August 5, 2021)
- This year’s flu vaccine will be administered by Walgreens Pharmacy on October 14, 2021. We request residents, POAs/health proxies to fill out the Walgreens Administration Record (VAR). Please click on the link for the form: Flu Vaccine Form
- The forms can be e-mailed to reception@thecliffsateaglrock.org or can be dropped off at the Front Desk.
- IMPORTANT: Please click on the link for the updated FAQ: FAQs (Rev. 8/4/21)
- IMPORTANT: The Cliffs reserves the right to ask visitors whether or not they are vaccinated for COVID-19. If unvaccinated, The Cliffs will be providing N95 masks for visitors to wear. Please note that this requirement is for the safety of all parties involved: residents, Cliffs staff, and visitors.
- Due to the rapidly increasing rates of the Delta variant, Gov. Murphy announced “that all workers in certain state and private health care facilities and high-risk congregate settings will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or be subject to COVID-19 testing at minimum one to two times per week. Health care facilities and other settings covered by the requirement will have until September 7, 2021 for all employees to come into full compliance with the vaccine mandate.”
WEEKLY UPDATE (July 30, 2021)
There are no significant updates from the local Department of Health regarding the Delta variant. However, The Cliffs is taking necessary precautions for infection control. We would like to remind indoor visitors to remain in the resident’s apartment at all times during visitation to minimize exposure to other residents and staff members.
We thank you for helping us maintain a safe environment for our residents.
WEEKLY UPDATE (July 22, 2021)
There are no new updates from the local Department of Health regarding Delta, the new variant of COVID-19. However, as it is widely reported, cases of COVID-19 has increased in many states. As we move into the peak of the summer season, we kindly ask family members and friends to take proper safety precautions when in public or crowded areas.
We will share any news and updates once we receive them from our Local Department of Health.
Stay safe and healthy!
WEEKLY UPDATE (July 16, 2021)
- There are no updates or changes in our Visitation Protocols. Please click on the link to view the most recent visitation FAQs: Visitation FAQs (Rev. 7/1/21)
- The residents went on a scenic trip to Kip’s Castle yesterday; they drove through Mountain Avenue in Montclair for a scenic drive with a view of the NY skyline. At the end of the month, the residents are expecting an Elvis Presley impersonator for music entertainment. The vendors / performers are required to go through proper screening before entering the facility as well as wearing a well-fitting mask. If they present proof of vaccination, they are able to remove their mask and wear a face shield during their performance while keeping distance from the residents; they are required to wear the mask immediately after performing. Otherwise, they must wear masks throughout their set-up, performance, and clean-up. Please click on the link to view the activities calendar for July:
- We would like to introduce the newest addition to The Cliffs team, Rex. Rex is a French Bulldog and he is one and a half years old. He comes to The Cliffs on Fridays with Ronica from the Business Office team. Rex is up to date with his shots and vaccinations. He loves giving kisses to residents and staff, and in return, loves to get belly rubs and lots of petting. He goes on several closely supervised rounds throughout the day in the AL and Haven side. If you’re at The Cliffs on Fridays and would like to say hi to Rex, he would love to meet you 🙂
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WEEKLY UPDATE (July 9, 2021)
- We would like to remind family members that lounging and dining in the common areas with the residents is still prohibited as per the guidance of the Department of Health.
- We ask all indoor visitors to remain inside the resident’s apartment unless visitation is designated in an outdoor secluded area (for residents residing in studio or semi-private units). If visitors are availing ECV and are assisting with feeding, resident and visitor must remain inside the apartment.
- We are delighted to note that social events are progressing towards our normal program.The residents are looking forward to music entertainment scheduled within the next few weeks. There is also a planned trip for the residents to Kip’s Castle in Montclair, NJ.
WEEKLY UPDATE (July 1, 2021)
We kindly ask visitors to monitor the weather when making visitation appointments. Outdoor visitations are subject to cancellation in extreme weather conditions like what we experienced the past couple of days. If possible, scheduled outdoor visitations may be switched to indoor visitations IF the maximum number of visitors for that given hour has not reached the maximum yet.
Pets can come visit residents for outdoor visitations only. Visitors must disclose that they are bringing pets when making a visitation appointment. Pet owners are requested to take photos of their pets’ most recent vaccinations, especially the rabies shot and should be ready to present these photos to the receptionist when requested. Pets must be kept on leash at all times. Please click on the link to view the most recent Visitation FAQ (updated information are in red): Visitation FAQs (Rev. 7/1/21)
WEEKLY UPDATE (June 25, 2021)
Mainly discussed during the Family Council Meeting last night were the visitation updates. Please click on the link to view our updated FAQ’s. Visitation FAQ’s (Rev. 6/24/21)
All updates will be effective tomorrow, June 26, 2021.
WEEKLY UPDATE (June 17, 2021)
- Per the CDC and local Department of Health’s guidance, staff, Essential Care, Compassionate Care, and End-of-life visitors are no longer required to don isolation gowns when rendering care/service to residents regardless of vaccination status.
- If residents and family members have planned outings for 4th of July, kindly notify the receptionist as soon as possible. Please note that resident “vacations” or overnight out-of-facility stays must be made 36 hours in advance.
- Our upcoming family council meeting is scheduled on June 24, 2021. If you have not signed up yet, please call 973-669-0011 to sign up.
- Over the past couple of days, we held our quarterly mandatory staff in-service in-person at the Cliffs Chapel. The topics discussed include:
- COVID-19 PTSD by licensed psychologist, Dr. David Berkovitz. Dr. Berkovitz provided information about PTSD: identifying triggers, and using several coping strategies to deal with stressors that healthcare workers encounter every day.
- Tuberculosis by Orlando Egoc. Orlando discussed the importance of complying with the state Department of Health’s TB test requirements to prevent the disease from spreading.
- Communication and Dementia by Monica Brooks. Monica provided a very informative refresher lecture about how to communicate and deal with behaviors of residents with dementia. She also demonstrated techniques on how to minimize agitation.
- Today, the residents enjoyed the very first concert of the year. The entertainers set up equipment on the west courtyard and garnered a Great Room filled with smiling residents.
WEEKLY UPDATE (June 10, 2021)
We would like to inform you that the resident communal dining in the main dining room and the group activities are going very well.
To give you a peek of what’s going on at The Cliffs, yesterday, the residents enjoyed group activities such as the Men’s Club led by Frederick and the Garden Tea Party hosted by Monica. Both groups garnered a large crowd and received positive feedbacks from the residents. Tomorrow, the residents will be going on a Scenic Bus Tour around the Northern New Jersey area – first outdoor trip since the fall of 2019. Next week on June 17 at 2pm, entertainers Francine&Joel will be coming to The Cliffs for music entertainment show for the residents. We ask family members and friends to plan visitations accordingly as visitors cannot be in the common areas to join their loved ones if the residents choose to attend the show. At the end of the month, they are scheduled to go out for ice cream at Applegate Farms in Montclair, NJ then to Verona Park for a walk at the park. Within the next two weeks, raised garden beds will be set up in the Wander Garden for our Haven Gardening Club. (Please note that all vendors regardless of vaccination status are required to wear masks and outdoor activities are subject to change depending on the weather).
The Food Services Department started the Friday Night BBQ’s two weeks ago and starting tomorrow, residents will be given the option of outdoor seating for the BBQ. If you enjoy taking a walk around The Cliffs grounds, you are welcome to visit Bill Horn’s Garden located behind the Chapel where you’ll find a variety of plants waiting to be harvested by Bill and the Food Services staff.
WEEKLY UPDATE (June 3, 2021)
We are very pleased to inform you that the Dining Room is now back in full service. Over the past couple of weeks, the Dining Room opened in phases to integrate residents from the Media Room and Country Kitchen into the Main Dining Room. As of yesterday, June 2nd, all residents were seated in the main dining room for meals and now get to experience the full dining experience. Our residents are delighted to return to the dining room where they are able to socialize with staff and other residents.
We have updated our policy regarding resident casual outings and out-of-facility “vacations”. Please click on the link below to view our updated FAQ’s. (Updated information are in red). Visitation and Outings FAQ’s (Rev. 6/3/2021)
WEEKLY UPDATE (May 26, 2021)
Over the past year, the restrictions imposed on us by the pandemic has affected tasks and chores that some family members came to the facility in order to help their loved ones. Due to this challenge, The Cliffs provided the necessary services and has waived additional charges from March 2020 to April 2021 such as additional laundry, maintenance, and housekeeping services as well as providing residents with necessary items such as batteries, light bulbs for personal lamps, etc.
This is a courtesy notification that we will resume ancillary charges for additional services provided effective June 2021 (charges will reflect in July 2021 invoice).
Please click on the link below for our Ancillary Pricing: Ancillary Pricing (effective April 2021)
Please click on the link below to view our updated FAQ’s about visitation and resident outings: Visitation FAQ’s (Rev. 5/20/2021)
WEEKLY UPDATE (May 20, 2021)
Please click on the link below for the latest update on visitations, resident outings, communal dining and activities, and facility testing
WEEKLY UPDATE (May 11, 2021)
We are delighted to inform you that we are resuming indoor casual visitations, communal dining, group activities, and resident outings effective Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
Please be advised that visitation appointments and resident outings must be made through the Receptionist. Please call 973-669-0011 ext. 1300 between 8am to 7pm daily to make an appointment. All appointments must be made at least one business day ahead.
We would also like to remind visitors to properly go through our screening process (registration, hand washing, and temperature taking) prior to proceeding to the Front Desk.
For more information about visitations and resident outings, please click on this link: Visitation and Resident Outing FAQ’s (Rev. 5/11/2021)
WEEKLY UPDATE (May 6, 2021)
We have been in constant communication with the Local Department of Health regarding our current status. Despite not having any positive COVID test results for the past two weeks, we are still required to pause in casual indoor visitations, communal dining, group activities, and resident outings for another week.
WEEKLY UPDATE (April 27, 2021)
As of 4/26/2021, there are no new positive cases at The Cliffs. We hope to be cleared by the local Department of Health by the beginning of May to reopen for casual indoor visitations and resume communal dining, group activities, and resident outings.
We would like to remind family members who take residents to doctor’s appointments that they must go through the screening process before picking up the resident.
WEEKLY UPDATE (April 20, 2021)
The set of testing last week yielded another positive case of COVID-19 for an outside agency staff, who is exclusively a private duty aide. Both of the staff members who tested positive were fully vaccinated and displayed no symptoms at all. The first staff who tested positive has gone through 2 consecutive rounds of testing with negative results; results for the second staff who tested positive are still pending. All PCR testing for residents yielded negative.
Due to the recent positive cases, The Cliffs was placed under an “outbreak” phase, which means indoor casual visitations, communal dining, group activities and resident outings must be paused until we are cleared by the local Department of Health. This could take between 14-28 days from the most recent positive case (April 16, 2021).
Currently, the residents are dining in their respective apartments and are provided daily with snacks and hydration. Our activities staff diligently make their daily rounds providing personal activities to residents such as board games, reading materials, arts & crafts, etc. Residents are also encouraged to step out of their apartments to take daily walks either indoors or laps on The Cliffs grounds. Residents are welcome to occupy the common areas (Great Room, Library, Activities Room, Media Room) to enjoy leisurely activities (watching movies/shows, reading, painting, lounging, etc.) with supervised social distancing to get a break from being in their apartments. With the warmer weather upon us, many family members and residents are taking advantage of the outdoor visitations. Essential caregiver, Compassionate care, and End-of-Life visitations are also ongoing.
As we, The Cliffs team in partnership with you, our dear family members and friends, have gained familiarity with the routine established by this pandemic, we are returning the Family Council Meetings to be scheduled quarterly.
The next meeting will be set in May 2021.
WEEKLY UPDATE (April 13, 2021)
We regret to inform you that our hairdresser tested positive for COVID-19. The staff members exposed to her and other residents who she rendered service to have been isolated and were given rapid COVID tests that yielded negative results. To be certain, another set of PCR COVID-19 tests were administered with pending results.
Effective today, the Cliffs is under investigation by the Department of Health. We are required to pause indoor casual visitations, communal dining, and group activities until cleared by the Department of Health.
Casual indoor visitations are canceled until further notice. Outdoor visitations and those pre-approved for Essential Care, Compassionate Care, and End-of-Life visitations may keep their scheduled visitation appointments (unless the resident is identified to have been exposed and is under quarantine).
Resident Holiday / casual outings are also paused until further notice.
WEEKLY UPDATE (April 7, 2021)
It was a joy to welcome many family members visiting residents as well as seeing residents be able to go out with loved ones for Easter. The smooth transition of visitations and resident outings is a teamwork between staff and family members who carefully follow and adhere to the procedures set in place to keep our residents safe. We are grateful for your cooperation. As successful as the weekend was with our visitations and resident outings, there were some questions from family members that we would like to address as well as modifications to the current visitation procedures that we have.
Can a resident spend an overnight stay at a family member’s home?Residents are not permitted to have an overnight out of facility stay with family members.
What time should the resident return to the facility?Residents must return to the facility no later than 7:30pm.
How often can a resident go on a casual outing?Twice a week, with only one weekend outing accommodation.
The CDC released recommendations for fully vaccinated individuals. Do any of these new recommendations apply to the facility?
The recommendations released by the CDC on April 5, 2021 (Public Health Recommendations for Fully-Vaccinated People) is specifically for non-healthcare settings. This guideline does not override any guidelines that we have in place for visitations and outings. Quarantine and mask procedures remain the same for our facility. Please click on the link for our safety precautions for visitations: Visitation FAQ’s
**Indoor and outdoor casual visitation hours effective 04/07/2021 will be from 10am-7pm (last visitation appointment at 6pm).
WEEKLY UPDATE (Mar. 30, 2021)
The State Department of Health suggests that non-vaccinated residents should not go out for Holiday and casual outings. Fully vaccinated residents may go on a Holiday/casual outing, but a risk-exposure assessment will be conducted by the Director of Nursing (Administrator or Nurse-on-duty in DON’s absence) upon their return. Depending on the assessment, the resident may be required to be quarantined for 14 days. Once quarantined, the resident cannot receive visitors and cannot join communal dining and group activities until cleared by the Director of Nursing. Please note that residents may go on outings once a week only.
Procedure before leaving:
Residents or Family members who would like to go out on any given holiday must notify the Receptionist at least 36 hours before the desired outing.
The receptionist will coordinate with the nursing department to ensure timely administration and/or preparation of medication before leaving the facility.
The family member transporting the resident is required to go through screening.
Following screening, the family member must sign a Resident-Family Certification Form at the Front Desk.
Procedure upon return:
Family members must call one hour before the resident returns to the facility to notify the receptionist.
Upon return, the family member transporting the resident and the resident must go to the screening area and follow the proper steps for screening.
After screening, the nurse-on-duty will administer the risk-exposure assessment in the screening area to determine if the resident will be required to quarantine.
If the resident will be required to quarantined, family members cannot accompany the resident back to their apartment.
If the resident does not need to be quarantined, family members may quickly accompany the resident back to their apartment.
WEEKLY UPDATE (Mar. 29, 2021)
Casual Indoor Visitation Update
We were delighted that many residents and their loved ones were able to enjoy indoor and outdoor casual visitations over the weekend! There was an influx of visitors that we were able to accommodate during the past three days. However, as we looked back and assessed the weekend, with considerable feed back from our staff and some family members, there were challenges that we encountered and we decided that some changes have to be made. These changes were carefully considered and discussed to maintain safety for our residents. We thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Please click on the link for our updated visitation guidelines that reflect the new changes effective Tuesday, March 30, 2021:Visitation FAQ’s (rev. 03/29/2021)
The residents will also be updated and will be given the same document.
Holiday and Casual Outings for Residents
The State Department of Health suggests that non-vaccinated residents should not go out for Holiday and casual outings. Fully vaccinated residents may go on a Holiday/casual outing, but a risk-exposure assessment will be conducted by the Director of Nursing (Administrator or Nurse-on-duty in DON’s absence) upon their return. Depending on the assessment, the resident may be required to be quarantined for 14 days. Once quarantined, the resident cannot receive visitors and cannot join communal dining and group activities until cleared by the Director of Nursing.
WEEKLY UPDATE (Mar. 24, 2021)
Casual indoor visitations will be available starting Friday, March 26, 2021. To make an appointment, please call the Front Desk at 973-669-0011 ext. 1300 between 8am-6pm to make an appointment. Below are the highlights of the new guidelines set by the State Department of Health.
- Indoor and outdoor visitations are permitted daily for a maximum of one hour per visit
- Only one type of visitation is allowed per day (outdoor, indoor, ECV, CC, or End-of-life)
- A maximum of 3 people per visit is allowed. Visitors are allowed to take turns for indoor and outdoor visitations. (For instance, 5 visitors can divide a one hour visit to two sets of visitations: 2 visitors for the first 30 mins and 3 visitors for remainder of the visitation time)
- If a visitor is coming from outside of the tri-state area, the recommended 14-day quarantine is still in effect.
- Visitation hours are from 10am-8pm daily (last appointment is at 7pm)
- Visitors must wear an N95 mask or double mask (cloth or surgical masks) regardless of vaccination status.
- Limited physical contact is allowed for fully vaccinated, alert and oriented residents (i.e quick hug, handshake, fist bump, etc.).
- Please remember the 3 W’s during visitation: Wash hands, Wear mask, Watch distance.
- Outdoor and indoor visitations cannot be made during residents’ meal times.
- During visitations, residents and visitors are allowed to leave the apartment/outdoor visitation area to walk the Cliffs grounds.
- Cliffs common areas are restricted to visitors.
- Food and beverages are not allowed to be shared between residents and visitors as masks should be worn during the entire duration of the visit.
- Visitors can bring personal beverages, but cannot be shared with the resident.
- Indoor common areas will be reserved for visitations for residents with more than 1 visitor who reside in semi-private and studio units to maintain distancing.
- As a safety precaution, visitors who cannot wear masks due to age or medical restrictions will not be allowed to visit.
- We are waiting on more updates regarding holiday outings and visitations.
- Please click on this link for detailed visitation rules: Visitation Rules (Rev. 3/24/21)
WEEKLY UPDATE (Mar. 22, 2021)
The Cliffs Staff celebrated 10 years of Advanced Standing Status last Thursday with a special lunch for the Cliffs staff. Please click on the link to for the article on The Cliffs website: Cliffs Staff Enjoy a THANK YOU Luncheon
The Zoom link for the Family Council Meeting scheduled on Mar. 24, 2021 was sent out to those who signed up. If you would like to join the meeting, please call the Front Desk at 973-669-0011 ext. 1300 to receive the invitation link.
Our Administrator, Leni de Guzman, will be attending a webinar tomorrow that will discuss changes and/or updates regarding long-term care facility visitations. Information from that webinar will be discussed during the Family Council Meeting. Families and friends will also be updated via e-mail.
WEEKLY UPDATE (Mar. 15, 2021)
We continue to receive inquiries regarding casual indoor visitations. Unfortunately, The Cliffs has not received any update from the State Department of Health regarding casual indoor visitations. We will send an update as soon as we get news from the State Department of Health.
Please join us for a Zoom Family Council meeting on March 24, 2021. To sign up, please call 973-669-0011 ext. 1300 or email reception@bhsnj.org. Please click on the link for the Family Council Meeting e-mail: Zoom Family Council Meeting
For the 10th year in a row, The Cliffs was granted the Advanced Standing status on March 10, 2021. This recognition is very important to us as it is a testimony of our commitment to serve our residents with the highest standards of care. This recognition would not be possible without the staff members who embody and carry out the Cliffs’ Mission Statement and we thank you, dear friends and family members, for trusting us to care for your loved ones.
WEEKLY UPDATE (Mar. 9, 2021)
The Cliffs Hair Salon officially reopened yesterday. The Cliffs welcomed a new hairdresser, Rachma “Angel” Langelo. She is a licensed hairdresser with over 30 years of experience. It also gives us confidence that she has received the COVID vaccine and was given a rapid test before tending to the residents. She will be scheduled twice a week and will be receiving the weekly PCR testing being given to the Cliffs staff. Angel will also be required to wear PPE as she performs her services. Please click on the link for the pricing sheet: Cliffs Salon Pricing Sheet
Due to the recent CDC announcement, we have been getting inquiries regarding casual indoor visitations. Like you, we at The Cliffs are also anxious and excited to welcome you back in our community. However, we are still waiting for an official announcement and protocol regarding casual indoor visitations from the State Department of Health. For the meantime, the only permitted indoor visitations are Essential Caregiver, Compassionate Care, and End-of-life visits.
Tomorrow, March 10, 2021, we are expecting a state survey visit for the continuation of our Advanced Standing status.
Thursday, March 11, 2021 will be our third and last Clinic Day at The Cliffs. 3 residents and several employees will be receiving their second dose of the COVID vaccine. No visitations will be scheduled on that day. Please plan accordingly.
WEEKLY UPDATE (Mar. 3, 2021)
As of Mar. 3, 2021, the investigation period for The Cliffs has concluded. Communal dining and group activities will resume today.
Essential Caregiver, Compassionate, End-of-life visits, and Outdoor Visitations are permitted. Please follow the visitation guidelines accordingly.
WEEKLY UPDATE (Feb. 19, 2021)
An outside agency staff has tested positive for COVID-19. Communal dining and group activities will be paused until the investigation period is over.
Essential Caregiver, Compassionate Care, and End-of-Life visits are still permitted. Please follow the necessary guidelines when scheduling appointments.
Staff and residents received their second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine yesterday. The process went quicker than the first clinic day and we are delighted to inform you that more staff members opted to get their first doses yesterday. Our next clinic day is scheduled for March 11, 2021.
We are pleased to announce that The Cliffs is now cleared to resume communal dining and group activities. Group activities will be conducted beginning today, 2/1/2021; and communal dining will resume tomorrow, 2/2/2021.
All outdoor visitations are cancelled until further notice. The maintenance personnel will need ample time to clear out the snow in our visitation areas for residents’ and visitors’ safety.
First Clinic Day (Jan. 29, 2021)
We are delighted to inform you that our first clinic day with Walgreens was an absolute success!
At 8:30 am, all hands were on deck in organizing and disinfecting common areas where residents and staff members are set to gather to get their vaccinations. Teams have gathered in their designated areas to make sure they are equipped with all necessary items. By 9:15 am, the first few residents started to congregate in the waiting room. At 9:45 am, the waiting room was filled with anxious but extremely excited residents eager to get their vaccines. Walgreens set up clinic at 10:00 am and by 10:20 am, the first two residents on our flow list received the first doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
The residents were divided into 3 batches to control the flow of people and maintain distancing in the Dining Room, which served as the waiting room where forms and vaccine cards were filled out. After receiving their vaccine cards, they were led to Media Room, which served as the main clinic where two pharmacists administered shots to the residents and staff. Maintenance personnel installed curtains in the media room to separate areas and provide privacy. After each resident received their shots, they were directed into the Great Room for observation for at least 15 minutes. Once cleared, the residents were allowed to go back to their apartments. By noon, all residents have been vaccinated. At 1:00 pm, staff members lined up for their turns.
96% of our residents have received the vaccine. So far, no resident or staff experienced adverse effects from the vaccine except for the common side effects: soreness on injection site and tiredness (most commonly reported by staff and residents on 1/29/21). Our next clinic day is scheduled for February 18, 2021.
We are very pleased to receive compliments from Walgreens that our facility has set up the most organized flow they have ever encountered up to date. With the help of the senior staff, administrative staff, and department supervisors, the flow remained smooth. By 3:30 pm, the last staff member received the last first dose of the first clinic day.
As always, we are grateful for your trust and support.