Our commitment to the dining experience is reflected in the care our trained culinary staff takes to make every aspect of dining at The Cliffs exceptional! Our residents enjoy 3 delicious home cooked meals a day, prepared from scratch, and served restaurant style.
The Cliff’s dining staff is always striving to provide the residents with new dining experiences that are unique and memorable. With input from the Cliff’s residents and their family members, we are proud to include these custom dining events described below:
- Holiday Dining is a speciality at The Cliffs with a sumptuous buffet available to residents and their family members. All major holidays are celebrated with festivities, decorations, and special menus. Our resident’s family members are encouraged to dine with their loved ones and charged a very reasonable rate.
- For variety, Cliff’s residents can make reservation at our “Friday Night Bistro” where a gourmet meal is served.
- Another favorite is our monthly “Family Style Dinner” served in the Private Dining Room.
- In the summer months, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, our residents and their families are treated to “Friday Night Barbeques” in the Interior Courtyard, with occasional live entertainment.
- Also during the summer months, weather permitting, the midday meal is served outdoors in the Interior Courtyard.
- Our residents and their families always have the opportunity to enjoy private parties catered by the Cliff’s culinary staff or caterers from the outside. The Private Dining Room seen below seats 16 persons.
- Hungry during the Night? The “Country Kitchen” is open 24/7 and provides residents and their guest with assorted snacks and breakfast foods.