The Cliffs at Eagle Rock Residents Form A ’Capella Chorale

17 of the 20 Cliffs Residents comprising their newly formed A Capella Chorale, debuted at the
Cliffs Good Friday Service, held on site at their historic Chapel. The group sang two numbers: “Amazing Grace”
and “Where You There”. Unfortunately 3 members were not feeling well enough to participate.
A large audience of residents, staff and families expressed delight at the quality of their performance. “I heard them practicing,” said Richard McDonald, HR Director, but they didn’t have a lot of rehearsals. Nevertheless, they were really good and I was very impressed.”

New resident Carrie Howson said with a smile: “Being part of The Cliffs Chorus is a joyful, sharing experience. Singing lets you send your happiest feelings out on the breezes and up to the sun!”
The chorus is scheduled to sing a medley of patriotic songs during the Memorial Day weekend, and then they are scheduled to perform for The Cliffs at Eagle Rock Annual Board Meeting in June.


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